Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park

Kamphaeng Phet was an important city of the Sukhothai Kingdom from the 13th to 15th centuries. The earliest mention of the city appears in the stone inscriptions from Wat Mahathat and Wat Phra Sri in Kamphaeng Phet.

Kamphaeng Phet province is located south of Sukhothai province, and is 358 km away from Bangkok. Kamphaeng Phet was formerly also known as Nakhon Chom. Settlements along the Ping River were present in the 11th century. The region for a while was an outpost of the Khmer Empire, and later in the 13th century became part of the Sukhothai Kingdom. Kamphaeng Phet was not mentioned on the early Sukhothai inscription stones (while other cities were), indicating that it was initially not incorporated into the Kingdom or not of great importance. However it was recognized as a town of significance during the reign of King Li Thai.
kamphaeng phet historical park
Kamphaeng Phet was an important city of the Sukhothai Kingdom from the 13th to 15th centuries. The earliest mention of the city appears in the stone inscriptions from Wat Mahathat and Wat Phra Sri in Kamphaeng Phet. The Ayutthaya annuals mention that this city was known as โ€œMuang Chakangrauโ€ and was ruled by a prince from Sukhothai. Cultural and folk festivities are held in April each year to celebrate the Nop Phra Len Pleng Festival.

The Kamphaeng Phet historical park has been established at the Old City site, and the area is now being cared for by the Fine Arts Department. As the sites at Sukhothai and Si Satchanalai, Kamphaeng Phet also has a Wat Chang Rop, where the base of the large chedi has the laterite sculptures of the forequarters of elephants. The laterite originally was covered with stucco decorations. Some have been restored.

Major features in the Kamphang Phet Historical Park include archaeological remains of ancient sites. Services from the Tourist Centre are available. Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park has been appointed to become one of the world Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1991

Chakangrao, the ancient Kamphaeng Phet town, had the same town planning concept as the old Sukhothai and Si Satchanalai, with separate zones for religious sites both within and outside of town limits. Structures are usually large and made of laterite. Religious sites on the west bank of the Ping River at Nakhon Chum are built of bricks and of smaller size.

The Kamphaeng Phet National Museum, as most provincial museums at important historic sites, houses quite a few interesting artefacts, sculptures and Buddha images. The most well known and quite striking statue is a bronze Shiva dated from about 1510 A.D. It indicates the importance of Hindu deities, even at the time Buddhism was well established as the religion of Sukhothai and later Ayutthaya. Unfortunately, no pictures can be taken at this National Museum.

The Ayutthaya annuals mention that this city was known as โ€œMuang Chakangrauโ€ and was ruled by a prince from

Sukhothai. Cultural and folk festivities are held in April each year to celebrate the Nop Phra Len Pleng Festival.
More Infomation
Contact Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park, Muang District, Kamphaeng Phet,
tel/fax: 0 5571 1921


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