Sukhothai Historical Park

The Sukhothai Historical Park is the main attraction in Sukothai Province. Located 12 kilometres from Sukothai town on the Sukhothai-Tak Highway, the Historical Park is a place of ruins and temples although certainly part of Thailandโ€™s heritage, it also regarded as a World Heritage site under the auspices of UNESCO and the Thai Fine Arts Department. The capital of Thailandโ€™s first Kingdom (founded in 1238), Sukothai has considerable historical significance and is a pleasure to visit. There the original city was surrounded by walls with 4 city gates. Today the walls house a number of sites worthy to visit that include

โ€ข The Royal Palace
โ€ข Wat Mahathat,
โ€ข The Ramkhamhaeng National Museum
โ€ข The Ramkhamhaeng Monument
โ€ข Wat Si Sawai
โ€ข Wat Traphang Ngoen
โ€ข Wat Traphang Thong
โ€ข Wat Chana Songkhram,
โ€ข Wat Sa Si
โ€ข Wat Mai
โ€ข San Ta Pha Daeng (the Deity Shrine)

Therefore without a doubt the highlight of a trip to the former capital of Siam.
The park is located 12 kms. from town on the Sukhothai-Tak Highway. Ruins of the royal palaces,
Buddhist temples, the city gates, walls, moats, dams, ditches, ponds, canals, and the water dyke control system,
which was the magical and spiritual center of the kingdom, are now preserved and have been restored by the Fine
Arts Department with the cooperation of UNESCO, not only with a view of fostering Thailand's national identity but
the safeguarding a fine example of mankind's cultural heritage. The tourist Service Centre is near Wat Phra Phai Luang.
The Sukhothai Historical Park covers the ruins of Sukhothai, capital of the Sukhothai kingdom in the 13th and 14th centuries, in what is now the north of Thailand. It is located near the modern city of Sukhothai, capital of the province with the same name.

The city walls form a rectangle about 2 km east-west by 1.6 km north-south. There is a gate in the centre of each wall. Inside are the remains of the royal palace and twenty-six temples, the largest being Wat Mahathat. The park is maintained by the Fine Arts Department of Thailand with help from UNESCO, which has declared it a World Heritage Site. The park sees thousands of visitors each year, who marvel at the ancient Buddha figures, palace buildings and ruined temples. The park is easily toured by bicycle or even on foot.

The protection of the area was first announced in Volume 92, Part 112 of the Royal Gazette on August 2, 1961. In 1976 the restoration project was approved, and in July 1988 the park was officially opened. On December 12, 1991, it was declared a World Heritage site, together with the associated historic parks in Kamphaeng Phet and Si Satchanalai.

The centre provides information and facilitates visitors to the Sukhothai Historical Park, as well as displays models of
historical buildings and structures in old Sukhothai.
It is open daily 08.30-16.30 hrs. Admission fee is 40 baht.         

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