Muang Sing Historical Park

Muang Sing Historical Park (City of the lion) is located at Sai Yok District about 45km from Kanchanaburi. The city is almost square-shaped, surrounded by moats, ramparts and laterite city walls. This ancient city dated to the 13th and 14th centuries. This Bayon style architectures indicates the relationship between Muang Sing and the ancient Khmer Kingdom during the reign of King Jayavarman VII (1177-1237 A.D). Come here if want to see the ancient city from this part of Thailand

This is one of the most important sites in the Khwai Noi River basin in Kanchanaburi. Prehistoric human skeletons have been discovered near the ancient city, together with metal tools, vessels and ornaments, bricks, foundations of Dvaravati period architecture and laterite ruins from the 13th century. The remains of the ancient city comprise several layers of rectangular walls and a moat. The annual festival within the historical park is the โ€œThin Buri Sri Chai Singโ€ featuring a light and sound show and classical dances.

Muang Singh town was built between 857 and 1157 when the Khmer Kingdom was still prosperous. It was later abandoned until the reign of King Rama I when Muang Singh was rebuilt as a Kanchanaburi border town.

Prasat Muang Sing Historical Park

Muang Singh town was built between 857 and 1157 when the Khmer Kingdom was still prosperous. It was later abandoned until the reign of King Rama I when Muang Singh was rebuilt as a Kanchanaburi border town.
Prasat Muang Sing Historical Park
The only archeological site with a religious structure built in the middle of the city is the Khmer Prasat Mueang Sing (Tower of the City of Lions) where the heavy influence of the late Lop Buri arts is clearly visible. The ancient site is located on a steep bank of Khwae Noi River where the waterway narrows and becomes fast flowing. The city walls, which were made of rectangular laterite, are approximately 800 meters in width, 1,500 meters in length and 5 meters in height. The compound is believed to have been the westernmost outpost of the Angkor-centered Khmer empire. Remains dating back some 2,000 years have been discovered, and artifacts, including temple carvings, religious statuary and pottery shards indicate that the city must have been inhabited from approximately the 12th to 14th centuries.

The historical park is open daily from 8 a.m.- 4.30 p.m. Admission fee is 40 baht. Call 0 3458 5052-3 or 0 3451 1200, 0 3451 2500 for additional information.

Visitors can take a train from Kanchanaburi to Tha Kilen Railway Station and continue on foot or by local transport to Prasat Muang Sing, which is just 1.5 kilometers away. Trains depart from Kanchanaburi Railway Station every day at 6.11 a.m. (arriving at Tha Kilen at 7.28 a.m.), 11 p.m. (arriving at 11.59 a.m.) and 4.37 p.m. (arriving at 5.42 p.m.). To return to Kanchanaburi, trains depart from Tha Kilen Station at 6.22 a.m., 1.51 p.m. and 4.31 p.m.

Contact Muang Sing Historical Park, Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi,
tel/fax: 0 3459 1122 or 0 3479 9566         

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