Chiang Khong Chiang Rai

Chiang Khong is in Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand. Chiang Khong Located 114 kilometres northeast of Chiang Rai and 55 Kilometres east of Chiang Saen, this is a small district by the Khong River. Its fame lies in its cloth weaving at Ban Hat Bai and, in the Khong River, the Pla Buk the world's largest freshwater cat fish capable of reaching 2.5 metres long and weighing 300 kilograms. Each April celebrations are held when the giant fish are caught. At the Chiang Khong Fishery Station, fertilisation of the fish can be witnessed.

Chiang Khong is the Thai counterpart to the Lao border town of Huay Xai, just across the Mekong. Chiang Khong is a small, sleepy town with one main road and no night life. It has a Friday market, a lot of temples, a craft village with a busy market and a temple. The best time to visit is from October to January, or on the April 18 Giant Catfish Festival when baby giant catfish are taken to the Mekong river.
Buses arrive from Chiang Rai every 30 minutes from 5.00 AM to 16.00 PM and other major cities in Northern Thailand and Isaan. Daytime and overnight buses run directly from Bangkok's Northern Bus Terminal (Moh Chit) to Chiang Khong every day. There are also 5 overnight buses from Moh Chit which leave at 19.00 pm and arrive at Chiang Khong the next morning at 8.00 am, and one daytime bus which leaves Moh Chit at 7.00 am and arrives in Chiang Khong at 20.00 pm.

The riverfront area can be seen on foot but it's worth getting a tuk-tuk or taxi for the trip out to the bus station. Small ferries cross the river every few minutes for about 20 baht (50,000 kip). The border crossing closes at 20:00.
If you want to look around Chiang Khong the best way is rent a bike or motorbike to visit local villages and the banks of the Mekong.
At Chiang Khong one can cross the Mekong river to come to Lao's Huayxai town of Bokeo province. Visa on arrival is available. Nationals with visa-free privilege to Thailand can do visa run at these two borders to extend their Thailand stay.         

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