Amarin Plaza Bangkok

Amarin Plaza is a shopping mall located in the heart of Bangkok's Ratchaprasong shopping district. Amarin Plaza has a total of five floors of high-end shops offering the latest in fashion, home decor, fine furniture, jewelry, electronics, Thai handicrafts and more. The shopping mall also has a lot of different restaurants and even a Spa. A Naraiphand outlet offers a huge assortment of high quality, competitively priced Thai handicrafts and souvenirs. Here is combine shopping, dining and entertainment.

Amarin Plaza has five floors of high-end shops offering you the latest in fashion, home decor, fine furniture, jewelry, electronics, Thai handicrafts and much more. Our many restaurants satisfy even the most discerning palates, while Amarinโ€™s spa is the perfect place to relax after a long day in the heat of this exciting tropical city.

Make Amarin Plaza your first stop in Bangkok to take care of all your tourist information and souvenir needs. The Amarin Tourist Information Center has the widest range of visitor information available in Bangkok. Our world-renowned Naraiphand outlet offers a huge assortment of high quality, competitively priced Thai handicrafts and souvenirs.

Amarin Plaza is a shopperโ€™s paradise located at the crossroads of Bangkok. Over 300 retail shops await you with great offers and high-end merchandise, some of which you wonโ€™t find anywhere else.

Before you begin exploring our five floors of stores, check out whatโ€™s happening at Amarin Hall on the first floor. With frequent art exhibitions, handicrafts showcases and travel fairs, thereโ€™s always a unique treat or surprise at Amarin Hall.

Next, explore our world-class handicrafts outlet, Naraiphand, located on the second floor. Here, youโ€™ll find a distinctive selection of Thai crafts and souvenirs in one convenient location and at reasonable, fixed prices. No need to worry about bargaining here โ€“ everyone gets the best price!

Then let H&L on the third floor challenge your conventional thoughts about home decor. Thereโ€™s an array of stylish and beautiful furniture, designer objects and decorative items so you can take a touch of Thailand back home.

Finally, wind down with a quick meal at The Cook. You can delight in all the rich flavors of Thai cuisine or savor a more international fine dining experience at one of the many restaurants on the fourth floor.

* Fashion (Tailor, International Brands, Silks)
* Beauty & Spa
* Jewelry
* Home & Living
* Food
* Handicrafts
* Services

Amarin Plaza also provides the Amarin Tourist Information Center

Whether youโ€™re coming to Thailand to bake on the beach, explore the mountains or simply shop to your heartโ€™s content, Amarin Plaza is the perfect starting point. With our convenient central location in the cityโ€™s Ratchaprasong shopping district, Amarin Plaza makes it easy for you to start your Bangkok experience off right.

The Amarin Tourist Information Center caters to first-time visitors and seasoned travelers alike. Our friendly staff will give you the knowledge you need to make the most of your visit to Bangkok and anywhere else in Thailand. Whether youโ€™re looking for sightseeing tips, information about day tours, the best places to eat, unique cultural attractions or inside advice on experiencing Bangkok like a local, the Amarin Tourist Information Center will ensure you explore Thailand in style.

And what better way to kick off your tour of Bangkokโ€™s vivid culture and history than with a visit to the famous Erawan shrine, located a few steps away? The Erawan shrine is one of Bangkokโ€™s most important religious landmarks, housing a golden image of the four-headed god Brahma.

You can mix with a fascinating crowd of Thais from all walks of life who offer Brahma colorful flowers, incense and candles in hopes of attaining better fortune. A dance troupe performing ancient rituals to please Brahma gives you a glimpse of the rich traditions that are still firmly a part of this fast-paced city. The nearby Amarin shrine, housing Amarin, the Sun God, is another sight you wonโ€™t want to miss.         

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