Bus fare from Bangkok to Pattaya

Air-con and Non-air busesfrom Bangkok to Pattaya

There are both air-con and non-air buses that pick up passengers on the Sukhumvit Highway every 10 to 20 minutes all day long. Wait at the bus stops. Pick the air-con buses if you don't like dust ! The drivers of both buses like to play with their horns a lot. If you are not going all the way to Bangkok then use these buses. If you are only going a short way then there are White Baht Buses on the Highway.

Air conditioned buses depart Pattaya for Bangkok and Bangkok for Pattaya every half hour between 5.30am and 11.00pm. The single fare is 118 baht per person. There is also an airport bus service.


After you get to Pattaya there have the Baht Bus. The Fare is 10 or 20 Baht for "In Route" and 50 to 100 Baht after bargaining for a "Hired" ride. But many Tourists have complained of over charging by more than a few drivers of these modified pick-up trucks. Please Set the Price in Advance and have correct change. We STRONGLY suggest you smile and be overly friendly when bargaining with the drivers. A Good Attitude will Return the Same. If you yell and get angry expect the same or worse in return. You will learn how to use them in a few days and they really are a bargain for the money. For "In Route" just jump on without saying anything and hit the Bell Switch on the Roof to Stop. Get off and give the CORRECT Change.


Air-Con Bus from Pattaya to Bangkok

Driving Time to Bangkok ~3 hours.

Pattaya to Morchit Station - Every 30 Minutes from 5:40am to 7:00pm

Pattaya to Ekamai Station - Every 30 minutes from 5:40am to 9:00pm

Airport Bus to Don Mung - 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm & 5pm.

Fare to Bangkok - ~90 Baht. Airport Bus ~250 Baht



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