Tham Pla Namtok Pha Suea National Park

Tham Pla, word in thai say Pha Sua National Park is situated in an approximate area of 488 square kilometers or 305,000 rai, covering the areas of Tham Pla - Pha Sua Waterfall in the right hand side of Mae-pai National Conserved Forest, Muang District, and Pang Ma-pha Sub-district. The topography of the National Park consist of high mountains extending northwards, which are the sources of streams and rivers. The natural sightseeing spots at the National Park consist of Tham Pla - Pha Sua Waterfall, which are beautiful and very popular for recreational activities.

The topography of the National Park consist of steep mountains. And Doi Lan is the highest mountaintop of the National Park (1,918 meters above the sea level). The north and the west of the National Park reaches Charn State of the Union of Myanmar; whereas, the south of the National Park reaches Huay Mhak-uen and Huay Peung of Muang District, Mae Hong Son Province; and the east of the National Park reaches the River of Pang Ma-pha Sub-district, Mae Hong Son Province.
Tham Pla Phaseau (or Tham Pla Pha Sua) is located in Mae Pai forest reserve in Pang Ma Pha district of Mae Hong Son province. The park covers around 488 square kilometers of forested hills comprising caves, waterfalls, streams and rugged forests.

Tham Pla is a hillside cave with the flowing water throughout the year. You can watch a large school of blue-black fish called "Soro Brook Carp" or "Labeobarbus Soro". Tham Pla also has beautiful scenery of forests, cliffs, and limestone mountains.

Rugged mountains running north-south directions in the area are the head waters of many streams in the northern Mae Hong Son province. The highest peak is Doi Lan at 1918 meters above sea surface. The park borders with Shan state of Myanmar in the north and west.

Rainy season usually starts in the middle of May and ends around middle of October. Then the cool months come in November to January. The dry summer is February to May.

One of the most popular spot is Tham Pla cave (Tham = cave, Pla = fish, fish cave) found near the headquarters. Inside the cave is a stream with lot of Plapung fish. Other attractions include an earthern dam lake and nearby Phaseau and Mae Sa Nga waterfalls, several other waterfalls and caves. The district of Pang Ma Pha itself is a site of many caves and mountain streams.

To get to the headquarters drive from Mae Hong Son town on highway 1095 around 20 km to the north. There is a left turn-off road to the park entrance. For more information please call 053-612 982 or 053-612 983.         

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