Op Luang National Park Chiang Mai

Op Luang National Park is an amazing natural attraction comprising both splendid natural charms as well as mysterious scenery. The Mae Chaem River was originally called the "Salak Hin". The river created a big but narrow canyon , which is called Op Luang. The rocks and cliffs are subject to erosion by the strong currents of the river and have formed the canyon and strangely shaped rockformations. The water has to force its way past rocks and boulders obstructing the course which is a magnificent sight.

A zigzagging river flows in front of a picturesque gorge. The area is a high, steep cliff with a narrow passage, creating strong currents and powerful echoes. An area in the north of this stream is teeming with various kinds of plants that provide a pleasant ambience all year round. Magnificent views of Op Luang National Park can be seen from the bridge that links with the gorge. An interesting prehistoric archaeological site is also located in the park.

From 1966 to 1991 the park was administered as a forest park. After more surveys by the Royal Forest Department it was gazetted, in 1991, as the 68th national park of Thailand. The area supports a wide variety of natural attractions like waterfalls, caves, hot springs and historical sites, which serve people's education and recreation. At present the entirel park measure 553 km 2 and is entirely located in the Chomthong, Hot and Mae Chaem districts, Chiang Mai province, Northern Thailand.

The extensive, north-south running, mountain range of the park is the same as the range Doi Inthanon, the highest mountain of Thailand.

Op Luang Gorge or Canyon is a steep sided canyon with high cliffs. The height of the canyonwalls measured from the bridge to the average waterlevel is about 32 meters. The narrowest point of the canyon is not more than 2 meters wide while the whole canyon is about 300 meters in length.

Mae Bua Kham Waterfall originates from the Mae Bua Kham stream and is 2 kilometers south of Op Luang Canyon. It is a very beautiful waterfall set in a natural surrounding. The water thunders down over the rockwall for 50 meters.

Mae Chon Waterfall originates from Mae Chon stream. It follows the stream for about 1 kilometer and is 80 meters wide which makes it a fascinating sight. Also the cliffs and rocks of these falls, composed of granite and grey-white colored metamorphic rock, contribute to give the place a fall.

Mae Tia Waterfall originates from the Mae Tia stream. It takes an 8 kilometer walk to this beautiful, 80 meters high waterfall, All year round it carries masses of water.

Thep Phanom Hot Spring happen by the cold water in the earthcrust is heated up by the thermal energy of the earth and, at this site, it doesn't cool down until it is released at the surface. The average temperature of the water is 99 degrees Celsius.

Tong Cave is found in Doi Pha Liap mountain. This mountain is consists of granite and limestone. The Mae Pae stream acts as a dividing line between two long tunnels. It is said that these tunnels are leading to Doi Chiang Dao mountain in the north of Chiang Mai province. The tunnel entrance is small but entering is possible.

Tu Pu Cave is small, narrow limestone cave. The entrance is very thin but the cave itself can hold up to 30 persons. Water is constantly trickling down the ceiling forming small stalactites and stalagmites. In the ceiling is a ring shaped opening, so the cave is not entirely dark.

Lam Nam Mae Chaem or Salak Hin River is located in Mae Hong Son Province. The Mae Chaem river is the largest stream of Hot district which drains its water eventually in the Mae Ping river. The river passes steep cliffs, knolls, and valleys, and has some islands and sandy beaches. The diversity of landscapes gives the river an extra beautiful dimension and it is possible to admire this beauty by boat from Mae Chaem district.

How to get there: The Op Luang National Park is located 105 kilometres from Chiang Mai town along Highway No. 108 (Chiang Mai-Hot-Mae Sariang). The road stretches alongside the Mae Chaem River and zigzags along mountain ranges. Blue buses originate from the Hot-Mae Sariang roundabout. There are 3 lines of buses: Hot-Mae Sariang, Hot-Mae Chaem, Hot-Om Koi. All of them stop at Op Luang National Park.

For more information, please contact Tel: 0 5322 9272, 0 2562 0760 or www.dnp.go.th


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