How can I join a coupon train & is it worth it?

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How can I join a coupon train & is it worth it?

ข้อมูลby albanobrito » Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:28 pm

I've seen people talking about coupon trains on message boards. How exactly do they work, & how would I find one to join? Have you had good/bad experiences with them? How much do you pay in postage, & do you get enough useful coupons to make it worth your time? I cut coupons from the Sunday paper but hate to just throw away (recycle) the ones I don't need. Thanks for your input!

Keep In Mind Regarding amazon coupon code when your going for online shopping.
Last edited by albanobrito on Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How can I join a coupon train & is it worth it?

ข้อมูลby Midtown » Thu May 16, 2013 7:15 pm

It’s simple circle of coupon clippers who send their excess coupons to each other, around and around.

How does it work?
You have somewhere between 5 and 10 coupon clippers. I know there are ones that go across the country. Smaller generally works better. The larger the train, the more coupons that get through, but it takes longer for the train to come visit each station. Everybody sends an envelope every week. The idea is you send a new one each week, and you get one envelope each week. Generally you send the coupons to the next person on the list unless you know someone is on vacation, or if someone had a baby, you can send them specialty coupons.
I’ve been in two coupon trains. One failed completely. It was a large one. It was all over the East Coast, up the entire seaboard and it took forever. People forgot. In my opinion from what I’ve seen 5-10 people works the best. It also helps if there’s wide range of people in it. If everyone is a mom with a 2 year old, everybody wants the same coupons.

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