Mae Fang National Park Chiang Mai

The National Park covers Mae Ai, Mae Fang, and Chaiprakarn districts in northern Chiang Mai province. Total area is about 524 square kilometres. Mae Fang National Park, located in Amphur Mae Eye, Amphur Fang, Amphur Chai Prakarn of Chiang Mai Province, consists of complicated geography which is a part of a watershed called Dan Lao Mountain Range. It is the productive forest which not only has a great number of plants and animals but also beautiful natures, for examples, Huai Bond Cave, Hot-mineral Water Pond, Hot Spring and Mae Jai Stream. It is an importantly traveling place of Chiangmai Province. Traveler can take convenient ways to get there. It is 524 square kilometers, and has been declared a national park since September 4, 2000.

Mae Fang National Park is one of the finest National Parks in Chiang Mai covering an area of about 378,125 rai or 605 square kilometres. The north and the west borders adjoin with Burma. To the south the park extends as far as Doi Chiang Dao National Park Chaiyaprakarn district in Chiang Mai. The east end covers five sub-districts. (Mai Ai, Mae Sao, Weang,Ta Ton, Pong Namron).

From Chiang Mai City take the Highway no.107 to the north. Drive till you get to Fang district town. Then take Fang - Mon Pin road (to the west) about 3 kilometres. Next, turn right into the road no. 4055 and keep driving for about 8 kilometres to the heaquarters.

Take Mae Sai - Ban Huay Bon road to go to Doi Pha Hom Pog. Drive along the road until you get to Ban Huay Bon village. Then continue driving straight on the unpaved road for about 5 kilometres. Then turn right and keep driving for 17 kilometres to arrive at Doi Pha Luang Headwater Ranger station. From where turn left and keep driving for 5 kilometres to reach Kew Lom, the starting point for the ascent.

There are high mountains such as Doi Pha Hom Pog (the second highest of Thailand), Doi Pu Muen, Doi Laem, and Doi Ang Karng. These mountains are parts of Dan Laos Mountain range. General elevations pf the park is 400 to 2,285 metres above sea level. Many kinds of forest grow at their favorable elevations, and some rare tree species are found.

The weather is pleasant all year round (25.4ยบC average). During November to February the average temperature is between 13 and 19ยบC. On the highland above 1800 meters the temperature can be much lower in the winter.

Doi Pha Hom Pog is 2,285 metres above sea level. It is the second highest mountain in Thailand. The weather at the summit is coold all time. During summer the average temperature is around 14ยบC. The lowest average temperature in cold season (December - January) could be about 2ยบC.

Misty cold season give a kind of fantestic scene at high elevations. You also see variety of orchids, rare trees and butterflies. Kew Lom trail is the most comfortable route to climb to the top of Doi Pha Hom Pog (5 km). At the starting point there is a campsite. Nevertheless it is a steep ascent that needs a careful hiking with effort. For your safety permission to climb from the park's headquarters should be taken first.

Fang hot springs There are 40 hot springs around the headquarters. The big ones could blow up to 30 - 40 metres. The water is 40 to 87ยบC.

There are campsites, sauna rooms, restaurants, and shops available around the headquarters.

Mae Faang National Park is rich with lush vegetation, home to various species of wild animals like jungle fowls, wild pigs, pythons, and a colourful variety of birds. Besides its fresh and cool weather, Mae Faang National Park has spectacular waterfalls, caves, and hot springs. The great attractions of this National Park are Tard Mork Waterfall, Ponk Nam Daing Noi Waterfall, Mae Teap Waterfall, Doi Ang Klang, Doi Pa Hom Pok, Houy Pon Cave, Mae Jai Brook, and Ponk Hot Spring. Things to do include; mountain climbing, picnicking, forest trekking, cave exploring, bird watching and nature sightseeing.

Fang Hot Spring
There are many hot-mineral water ponds in the about-10-rai area (16,000 squares meters). The water is hot-mineral about 90-130 degrees Celsius because of the hot condition from underground. The largest pond has hot steam rising 40-50 meters above the ground. There are many travelers come to recreate in this area, for example, sauna and taking a bath on mineral water. It locates in the same area of Mae Fang National Park Office.

Huai Mae Jai
Huai Mae Jai is a stream, which has clean water all the year round and also been appropriate for recreation, located about 300 meters from Hot-mineral Water Pond.

Huai Bon Cave
Huai Bon Cave is a big cave, 20-30 meters wide, which consists of many wonderful stalagmites and stalactites. There are two entrances distant 150 meters from each other, no dangerous areas for traveler, and also many small caves, about 10, nearby. It locates 12 km. from Fang District. Traveler can go on foot 4 km. from Hot-mineral Water Pond.

Pong Nam Dang Waterfall
Pong Nam Dang Waterfall, which is beautiful, and has water fall all the year round, locates in the same area of Mae Fang National Park Management Office (Mor For 3) Mae Soonnoi Village, Mae Soon Sub-district, Fang District.

Huai Hean Waterfall
Huai Hean Waterfall locates in north of Huai Hean Stream, and three kilometers from Huai Bon Cave. It is a big waterfall which consists of seven levels.

Na Ma Aun Waterfall
Na Ma Aun Waterfall locates in the middle of a dense forest in Mae Sao Sub-district, Mae Eye District. It is a big waterfall which consists of three big levels. All of the waterfalls are the same-that is, there are water flows all the year round and great number of productive nature, all of which enable moss and fern derive from the rock and boulder along the streams.

Doi Pha Hhom Bhog
Doi Pha Hhom bhog, the second highest mountain in Thailand, is about 2,285 meters above sea level. Lying at the top of the mountain is a plain area which causes by geological condition; there have thin layer of soil and stratum of granite lays underground, and heavy blowing wind all the year round. From that place, traveler can see wonderful sceneries such as Fog Sea and the road on the ridges of mountains along with Thai-Burmese border. The road is constructed in accordance with adding national security between the two countries. The forest is rainforest and the source of water so that makes the place have the best natural environment and different kind of biological organism, for examples, there are rare species of plants and animals such as Impatiens jurpioides T. Shimizu, Imperial Butterfly, and Kaiser Butterfly.

Tard Mok Waterfall
Tard Mok Waterfall locates four kilometers from Mae Eye District, close to tarmac road. The beautiful scenery of the waterfall consists of glassy vapor spreading all over the cliff look like covered by fog.         

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